Larry Sharpe = the Ben Shapiro voice frm da bunker... yuuuuck

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An Account of the History of Texas and Freemasonry in Texas

Stephen F. Austin, a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 111 at Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, sought to establish Freemasonry in Texas. Freemasonry was well established among the educated classes of Mexican society. It had been introduced among the aristocracy loyal to the House of Bourbon, and the conservatives had total control over the Order. By 1827, Americans living in Mexico City had introduced the United States York Rite of Freemasonry as a liberal alternative to the established European-style Scottish Rite. On February 11, 1828, Austin called a meeting of Freemasons at San Felipe to elect officers and petition the Masonic Grand Lodge in Mexico City for a charter to form a lodge.

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"Corruption and Transparency Documentation and Analysis Laboratory" ask her bout the Missing 40

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lopez = wolf... watch these refs to wolves, lions, mankillers

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morena... written in red, lowercase like moderna.

morena... name of Our Lady of Guadalupe (MX story of blk/dark Mary, reveiling herself to indians... remake of story that happened in Spain, in "Guadalupe" :


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