havn a secretly-gendered spouse, might be a "control file" / collateral for an officed risk.

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https://twitter.com/DANIELO90129647/status/1769900306358210836 Ayala is a descriptor that gets around.

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Ever since its introduction in the Western world from 1818 and into the 1830s, amalgam has been the subject of recurrent controversies because of its mercury content. Early amalgam was made by mixing mercury with the filings of silver coins.[2] In 1833, Polish-Jewish dentists from London, Edward Crawcour and his nephew Moses Crawcour (incorrectly referred to as "the Crawcour Brothers"), brought amalgam to the United States; but they had to flee back to Europe one year later, leaving “a long trail of victimized patients and exasperated dentists” due to their malpractices.[5]

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Exploitation of the goy cattle, always the same story with the cosmopolites...

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I'm sure Taibbi and Shellenberger will be digging deeply into this story... 😂

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: ) They already runn the US office, dem juifs.. now they want to buy it?

The vitamin D story has got hijacked by Tucker, takn it in a Tucker-spin, Establishment-friendly, direction. I imagine ingredients knowledge is a Darwin Award, still pissy tho.

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Twitter trending "Vitamin D," on surface, discussion marketed as, "Big Pharma has egg on face due to wonder vitamin, D's help with Covid."

but real-drowned-out discussion: rat poison, sitting there in plain-chutzpah-site, since '80's, & whenever man started to ingest this, "Vitamin D is somewhat of a misnomer as it is, in fact, a potent sterol hormone 1"

1. Norman AW. From vitamin D to hormone D: fundamentals of the vitamin D endocrine system essential for good health. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88: 491s–499s. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

*** Not a vitamin, is a sterol hormone (suppose to wean off), not from the Sun, & a popular rodenticide.

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of course good ol' Big Pharma-BAD, campaign on Twitter could use a smokescreen of convolute(?).. Glaring question! "Are we talkn from the Sun or from a bottle?"

Overlooked. Minor??

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affects kidneys, bone, heart... and any other thing hypercalcification, hyperphos & greater absorbtion of heavy metals, can bring.

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TY ! woot

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***bankers George Blumenthal***

But the Bolsheviks remained unpopular despite their vast propaganda machine. The United States Congress had declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917. Among the people who had worked hardest to draw America into the world war were the bankers George Blumenthal and Isaac Seligman, the industrialists Daniel Guggenheim and Adolf Lewisohn, as well as the rabbis David Philipson (1862-1949) and Stephen Samuel Wise. 203

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The German Kaiser Wilhelm II learned about the operation when Lenin had already reached Russia. The Germans' motive was to obtain a separate peace treaty and later advantages in trade with Russia. Lenin only wanted a Communist dictatorship and the Russians' wealth. German patriots did not suspect that dark llluminist forces were only using official Germany to camouflage their own activities...

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*** Lenin believed this to be impossible since Russia was not rich enough and wanted to use Switzerland for this purpose***

He worked for several years in different banks in Germany and Switzerland. He also became a skilful publicist who understood how perfectly the phraseology of Marxism could conceal political and war crimes. Parvus had studied the history of Russia and knew that the country would be quite helpless if the nobility and the intellectuals were eliminated. All these ideas made a great impression on Leiba Bronstein and Vladimir Ulyanov. Alexander Parvus, as a professional criminal, wanted to transform Russia into a base for international speculators and criminals who would hide under the name of "social democrats". Lenin believed this to be impossible since Russia was not rich enough and wanted to use Switzerland for this purpose but Trotsky agreed with Parvus. Parvus was therefore the man behind Trotsky's theory of the permanent revolution. Trotsky echoed, like a parrot, that Russia must be thrown into the flames of the world revolution. 137

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lol Parvus/Trotsky knew they were pawns.. Lenin didnt get the memo

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Estonians would not have been treated so inhumanely. According to the central myth, the terror and oppression were started only in the 1930s by Stalin, This was also claimed by an editorial in the Aftonbladet on the 6th of June 1989.

The Soviet propaganda mythology claimed that his parents consciously educated Lenin to be a Messiah who would lead the proletariat from their captivity in Egypt, as Karl Radek (actually Tobiach Sobelsohn) wrote in Izvestiya in the spring of 1933. Lenin's mother actually wanted him to be a landowner.

The Leninist propaganda had a massive effect on Homo Sovieticus. In an opinion poll in December 1989, 70 per cent of those asked (2700 took part) believed Lenin to be the greatest personality in history. (Paevaleht, January 4, 1991.) Another opinion poll was held in January 1991 where only 10.3 per cent of those asked thought Lenin was a negative person, whilst over half of them believed the October Coup to have been a historical mistake.

This is why nothing upsets orthodox communists so much as revelations about Lenin. They refuse to abandon their icon-like picture of Lenin, since Christianity was replaced with Leninism as early as in the 1920s when the whole doctrine was canonised. In the beginning, the sailors called Lenin "Little Father".

Lenin used all sorts of tried and tested idiocies. One example: "Work books" of the kind used with natives in the colonies were used from June 1919.

Lenin had few ideas of his own. Even the idea of the land decree was an inheritance from the left-wing Social Revolutionaries. Among his own stupidities were the so-called April Theses which do not correspond with reality since economic independence is impossible without political freedom.

At least Vladimir Ulyanov understood that Marxism lacked all scientific value. He had whispered to the Jewish businessman Armand Hammer: "Armand, Armand - Socialism is never going to work!" (SvenskaDagbladet, August 30, 1987.)

According to Engels, Marx had transformed Utopian Socialism into a scientific doctrine by "discovering" the materialist (i.e. atheist) worldview (this is how Engels is interpreted in the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia). As an enlightened Marxist, Lenin knew of Marx's instructions, according 97

to which the revolutionaries were supposed to be neither "generous" nor "honest".

There was no need to be fussy about the aims in order to reach their goals. Nor was there any need to worry about the danger of civil war. (Marx and Engels, "Works", Moscow, Vol. 33, p. 172.)

Adam Weishaupt had written that all means were permissible in order to reach the final goal. Lenin repeated that all means were justifiable when the goal was the victory of Communism. Lenin's goal was to damage Russia and, if possible, gain power and become rich.

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He (Lenin) was prepared to work with any forces in order to damage Russia, even with the authorities in Imperial Germany, according to facts that became known later. Lenin was unable to arouse any interest among naive people for the "revolutionary activities" of a simply Marxist club - most joined as cold-blooded conspirators and adventurers. p98 (tho p93 in archive's mind)

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In the 1920s, Soviet ideologues held up the "communist state" founded

by Johannes Bockelson in Munster in 1534 as an example. A group of

fanatical Anabaptists led by Johannes Bockelson seized power in Minister,

Westphalia on the 23rd of February 1534, where they proclaimed the

Miinster commune, also called "New Jerusalem". This commune became

the abode of extreme ruthlessness.

Three days after the seizure of power, the first leader of the commune,

Jan Matthijs, expelled all those who were not ready to accept their beliefs.

Later, the leadership passed over to the baptised Jew, Johann Leiden, who

proclaimed himself king of New Zion (Miinster), and the town council was

replaced by a council of twelve apostles. They confiscated the property of

the church and the wealth of those who had fled. They banned trade,

enforced work duty and abolished money. Everything was to be owned

collectively - the people were only allowed to keep their tools - all the

produce was confiscated by the commune and polygamy was introduced.

This community was intended to become the "thousand year reign of

peace" (the Millennium).

Evil reigned in Miinster for sixteen months before the Bishop's troops

arrived on the 25th of June 1535 and executed all the leaders of the

commune. Later, the Baptists and the Mennonites arose from the ideology



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saw the date on my Germany hunt, and thought of our era of discussion

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nazi = globalist big-jew w/ puppet Hitler jumps on Germany's back... chutzpah lovn of nazi by: Ukraine gov, Canadian Parliment, NATO-symbol likeness, Finnish air force

***By any means necessary, destroy Mother Russia (even clump in Napoleon Moscow-seige).

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