https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1712342306597065001/photo/1 important stuff happened in just that map...

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SARS = SAR (specific absorption rate = such as radiation from ur cellphn)

Wonder what SmartDust would do if ingested? Perhaps bring on covid symptoms.

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foci = fauci = faux

jews = corvids = covid

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like our middle class today. who needs em?? Need compliant, alcoholic, hedo, portapotty cleaner class, and the elites, only.

Just as in Western Europe, development of trade went together with an expansion of usury. Here also, the nobility, principal client of the Jewish usurers, strove to obtain restrictions on Jewish usury as against the kings who favored it “for the Jews, in their capacity as slaves of the treasury must always have money ready for our service.” In the sejm of 1347, the nobility, desiring to limit the interest rate which had reached 108 percent, collided with the firm resistance of royalty… Under such auspices, the affairs of Jews could not help but prosper. In the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, Jewish usurers succeeded in taking possession of a portion of the lands belonging to the nobles…

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usurped the nobility

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Pompeo should be looked into, lol. lie cheat steal

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just an event, to add to year 1000's appearance:

The East–West Schism, also known as the Great Schism or Schism of 1054, is the ongoing break of communion between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches since 1054.

breaking up of Roman Catholic Church, another goal, like owning Mother Russia

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